Saturday, March 15, 2008

Our Nation’s Biggest Threat

Unlike hard drugs or double homicide, the REAL thing that is terrifying to our country and for our youth is still out there, not being addressed: the homosexuals.

According to a speech from Oklahoma state representative Sally Kern last week, homosexuality is the biggest threat to our country. Even bigger than terrorism!

Not only did she say that, but, in fact, she compared it to cancer: it is a disease, it is spreading, and it will destroy the nation.

Though Kern’s remarks have not been at the very top of the headlines over the past few days, they have definitely spurred many reactions from the public and media. As expected, many have reacted to the representative’s extreme remarks, calling for apologies. However, when approached about taking back her remarks, Kern simply brushed them off: “when I am wrong, and it is brought to my attention, I will apologize.”

It definitely seems that gay-bashing sells well. In fact, any radical remarks nowadays seem to hit some sort of racial, gender, or sexual extreme so as just to ask for a public riot in response. If someone’s comments can pinpoint a particular population in any sort of non-“politically correct” fashion, it can get the people fired up.

This brings a question: does Kern truly believe that terrorism is in the backseat next to homosexuality, or is she just trying to create a buzz? Now, if the former is the case, then this country truly has even farther to go than I had imagined in terms of tolerance. However, though there are definitely extreme views everywhere, it is also very possible that Kern made statements such as these (or, at least, refuses to back down from them) in order to gain a portion of the public’s attention.

How many people had heard of Sally Kern before last week? I’m sure the numbers were minimal at best; however, after her little rant in Oklahoma, she has received national attention far beyond the levels of her former audience. Though many are outraged by the representative’s remarks, she has undoubtedly gained a bit more notoriety, and in turn, most likely, some more political prowess, than she ever had before.

Kern’s recent rant definitely reached media outlets like (check out a video here with over one million hits: If Kern does not care about the liberties of the gay community, then why wouldn’t she include some extreme words so as to create a “sensation”? It makes sense, and it does not take much effort by Sally herself. The recorded words alone are able to set off the spark, and it’s all up to the internet and the public after that.

Though explaining Kern’s and many others outlandish remarks as attempts at gaining media celebrity, this behavior is still dangerous to society. Though many may view Kern’s narrow-minded efforts to demean the gay community as downright ridiculous speech, there are many members of the public that are not going to think that way. Every message preaching intolerance is negative, despite how ridiculously radical it may seem.

Until words such as Kern’s are under control, the gay community should not expect to see any widespread acceptance. While we tend to think of racial intolerance as something we have overcome as a country from the place we were at sixty years ago, the deep roots of this issue are not completely vanishing anytime soon. This is even more of a problem with sexual orientation, as the call for tolerance is not really being heard, and while some may assume that social acceptance is abound, it may be even farther off than it seems.

Though America may still be in its place of prejudice, it does not mean that the world is doomed. As members of this society, it is important to remember that we should never be afraid to use our voices. Kern may have just wanted the people to get fired up, but her words will be there, regardless. It is up to a socially-concerned public to take Kern’s ignorance and use it as a means to preach tolerance for all people in this country, and that is the best that can be made of it.


The Advocate. “Kern defends anti-gay remarks.” (Published Wednesday, March 19, 2008). Accessed at:

“Oklahoma State Rep.: Gays ‘Biggest Threat’ to US.” (Published Monday, March 11, 2008). Accessed at:

1 comment:

Moderate Independent said...

Objectively speaking, she uses a logical fallacy of correlation as an explanation for causation when she says the "studies" show certain historical patterns.

Of course, such claim can be easily countered by examples of Scandinavian countries and Netherlands who embrace homosexuality and have lasted longer than several decades.

Did you know that as a part of naturalization requirement for foreigners immigrating into Netherlands, applicants have to watch a thirty minute long film that features homosexual couples making out? It's true. Sounded really interesting to me.